Hope you all are enjoying the hot hot humid summer!!! I sure could do without the humidity!!!!
There is so much going on right now but first I want to show you some craft show pictures! The show was last Saturday at Caledonia State Park and after a week of 100 degree temps, high humidity, and the forecast calling for thunderstorms all day Saturday.............I was dreading even going!!! Fortunately, it rained in the wee hours of the morning..... and of course while we were setting up..........and you know what rain does for the hair-do????? Anyway, it turned out to be a beautiful, cool, sunny day with no humidity!!! Unfortunately the crowd was way down so my sales could have been better!!! Here are a couple of pictures from my booth!

Next I want to share some new happenings over at the
A Primitive Journey forum! Diane is starting chapters in all the US states for you to join! You will get together every month with a group in your area and share in crafting, eating, shopping and enjoying the company of others with similar interests! Stop by the forum to learn more! I will be the director for the Harrisburg/Lancaster area and we already have 10 members and will be meeting August 21st for the first time!
I also want to start promoting my next show which is August 14th!!! It is a huge show in Lititz, PA near Lancaster called
The Lititz Rotary Club Craft Show ! It consumes the whole town so you can't miss it! You will find over 700 vendors and my space number is E 4-5! So please let me know if you are coming............I would love to meet you!
Until next time..............stay cool!!!