Around 10:30am I left for the PA State Track & Field meet to watch my niece, Laura Loht win the AAA title for the javelin throw!!! It was sooooooooo exciting and I'm so proud of her!!!
After the track meet we loaded the truck and then I went for groceries and never returned home until 7:30pm! An hour later my brother and sister-in-law arrived for the weekend. Didn't get to bed until 11:00pm.
Woke up Saturday morning at 3:30am to be on the road by 4:30am and traveled 2 hours to the show.
It was a hot and humid day but no rain!!! The crowd was down and we had more lookers than buyers which made the sales a little less than last year. Returned home around 8:00pm totally exhausted!
On Sunday we had a picnic so I skipped church to get ready for that! Had a great time with friends and family.... lots of water balloons were flying to cool us off.
Today I'm relaxing and staying indoors to stay cool!!!
Enjoy the craft show pictures and a picture of Laura with her gold metal!!! After looking at these pictures I see I need to get busy for my next couple of shows..... it looks bare compared to other years!