New offerings on Primitive Handmades Mercantile tonight at 9pm est! Summer has flown by and Fall is fast approching and will be gone before we know it!
August is probably my busiest month of the year with 2 shows!
I didn't take one picture on Saturday at the Lititz show.... I have no idea why... I felt so unorganized for some reason! Could have been the humidity and worry of storms........ which by the way held off until we packed in record time because one was coming!
Next Saturday is the Shippensburg Corn Festival, Shippensburg, PA! It's a nice show with about 200 vendors down main street of town.
My space number is D207 if you by chance are coming......... look me up!
Jeff has left his banking job and is now my full time woodworker! Not sure how that is working out some days! LOL A big adjustment for me!
I hope to get some new ideas on the table saw as soon as these shows are over!
I loved these for my hooked rugs and if you would like to order a frame like this Jeff is ready to start making them!
They measure 12" by 12" and are made from reclaimed oak barn boards! The price is $36.00 plus shipping! Just send an email to to place an order.
And don't forget!!! Tonight is PHM update and this is a peek of what I will be offering!
A close up of the little boxes with a punched wool design!
Thanks for stopping by and stay cool!!!
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