I managed to finish some new cell phone necklaces for my last show which was on Saturday!
The weather was a little chilly, breezy and cloudy for the day but no rain!!! We had it all this year! The crowd was good and sales were about the same so I was a happy camper!
I actually took the time to walk around and check out the other booths! I think we were the only "handmade" primitive spot there and I had some nice compliments!
The week before I did a really small show at a Fall Gathering in Kings Gap State Park. It had lots of fun things for kids to do and in a really pretty location at the top of a small mountain.... actually is was a 4 mile winding narrow road to get to the top.

You could tell the people coming into my booth were not familiar with primitives. This one couple came into my booth and I heard the husband say to his wife....while looking at one of my wooden pieces....... "wow that must really be old". He turned around and asked me how old it was............ a little dumb founded I said "Awwww... two months" I then told him it was a reproduction, newly made by my husband and I painted it to look old! He was shocked and said I did a good job! LOL He was referring to the white one hanging here.
Hope all have enjoyed the short Fall season........at least here in PA it feels like winter already!!! I'm not looking forward to my son's football game on Saturday in the cold and damp weather! At least it is at 1:30 in the afternoon and not in the evening! Stay warm.........until next time!!! Have a great day!