Say it isn't so!!!!!!!
So hard to believe that the days are ticking by so quickly!
Just 8 more days!
As I scurried around today with the Christmas music blaring, the rustling of wrapping paper covering the gifts{which I did get done today! YEAH} and finishing up my PHM offerings for tomorrow evening I had to stop and count my blessings! I have so much to be thankful for!
I hope your days are filled with love, peace and joy!
My decorations are very simple this year and I wanted to share a couple pictures!
Here is my little cupboard top mitten tree! My mom made the mini mittens and made the star!
Our Christmas tree was a bit taller this year but I love the Fraser Furs and the tree farm where we cut them doesn't have many smaller ones to pick from! Not many ornaments on there but sure does the trick for a simple look! I wanted a new tree topper so I hooked up this star from mustard and black wools!
A simple little tree in my living room!
Here is a peek at my new offerings for the PHM update tomorrow evening at 9pm Est! Hope you stop by to see all the offering the artists have to offer! It is such a great talented group!